Mahindra & Mahindra Limited launched Mahindra Scorpio as its first Sports Utility Vehicle in India in 2002. This SUV has redefined the expectations for the design of SUVs with its sturdy looks and powerful performance, the sophisticated interior design adds to the further glory to the appearance. It is has won the hearts of millions with its eye-catching exterior design and powerful performance and has proven itself as one of the most preferred SUV in its class.
Design and Interior
Mahindra Scorpio has set a benchmark for the design of SUVs and instantly grabs everyone's attention when it hits the busy urban traffic. The latest versions have been fitted with smooth and shiny front grille and sparkling tail lamps cluster. The sporty and rugged look of the car is accomplished by the dual tone interior fitted with very comfortable fabric seats, individual armrests, AC vents for the rear side, mobile charging facility and small storage spaces. The car ensures comfort even during long journeys.
Variants and Price
Mahindra Scorpio is available in four different variants Turbo 2.6, Turbo 2.6DX, Sportz and Turbo 2.6SLX. It comes coated in amazing metallic shades of shades Nobel Black, Diamond White, Coral Blue/Warm Grey and Engine Silver. The price range of the car varies from Rs 7.21 lakh to Rs. 9.2 lakh, ex-showroom Delhi.
The manufacturer has packed Mahindra Scorpion with powerful 2.6-liter turbo-charged diesel engine that delivers an output of 115bhp @ 3800rpm and torque of 28.3kgm @1700-2200 rpm. The vehicle can attain a speed of 0 to 60 in 9 seconds whereas the one fuelled by petrol can do the same in 8 seconds.
Scorpio has been loaded with an array of safety feature like collapsible steering column, intrusion beams, fire-retardant cushion, tubeless tyres and anti-lock braking system to ensure optimum safety of the occupants.
Design and Interior
Mahindra Scorpio has set a benchmark for the design of SUVs and instantly grabs everyone's attention when it hits the busy urban traffic. The latest versions have been fitted with smooth and shiny front grille and sparkling tail lamps cluster. The sporty and rugged look of the car is accomplished by the dual tone interior fitted with very comfortable fabric seats, individual armrests, AC vents for the rear side, mobile charging facility and small storage spaces. The car ensures comfort even during long journeys.
Variants and Price
Mahindra Scorpio is available in four different variants Turbo 2.6, Turbo 2.6DX, Sportz and Turbo 2.6SLX. It comes coated in amazing metallic shades of shades Nobel Black, Diamond White, Coral Blue/Warm Grey and Engine Silver. The price range of the car varies from Rs 7.21 lakh to Rs. 9.2 lakh, ex-showroom Delhi.
The manufacturer has packed Mahindra Scorpion with powerful 2.6-liter turbo-charged diesel engine that delivers an output of 115bhp @ 3800rpm and torque of 28.3kgm @1700-2200 rpm. The vehicle can attain a speed of 0 to 60 in 9 seconds whereas the one fuelled by petrol can do the same in 8 seconds.
Scorpio has been loaded with an array of safety feature like collapsible steering column, intrusion beams, fire-retardant cushion, tubeless tyres and anti-lock braking system to ensure optimum safety of the occupants.
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